Monday, November 1, 2010

Leah's Photos: Her Berlin

The last few days in Berlin we revisited a few favorite places. We handed off the camera to Leah, here's what she wanted to capture:

The zip-line swing at the "sandy" playground

Dad with the TV Tower

The boardwalk to the Berliner Dom

Getting Back to Reality

Now that we're home, we have to start re-settling in. It's nice to be home, but at the same time, there's a lot that needs to be taken care of here.

One task, sorting through the mail ....
Seven weeks of mail
We dropped the kids off to day care this morning with much fanfare. Leah and her bff were reunited -- with shrieks and hugs. Then Leah prompted asked us to leave so she could go about her day. Unfortunately, Alice's reaction was quite the opposite. She clung to mommy and cried. I died a little.

Then, it was off to grocery shop and back home to tackle a long list of things to do before heading off to work tomorrow. Back to reality.

One of those things is sorting through trip photos, so I'll be posting a bunch of the gems I missed here in the next few days.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Awake. So. Awake.

The kids woke up ready to roll this morning ... at 3:15am.

We fought back with every tool in our arsenal -- classical music, lullabies, special sleep friends, extra-warm blanket.

At 4:20 we gave up the fight. We went back to sleep while the kids had the run of their bedroom and playroom. But, by than, we were kind of awake, too. Drat.

A lot of good struggling to stay up did.

Meanwhile, I have 12 hours to figure out two Halloween costume that fit this year's theme: Dora and Diego. Somehow, I don't think that's ample time.