Sunday, August 15, 2010

Suitcase City

Suitcases are starting to assemble themselves in various rooms. Like little soldiers, they're standing at attention and awaiting use.

A toy bucket has been emptied and tucked into a corner, to hold items I don't want to forget. One less thing to add to a list.

Of course, I've mentally packed clothing dozens of times for myself and the children. Though, there are a few pieces of apparel I'm unsure about. One item I've decided worth the limited space is our wellies -- as I'm betting on soggy weather this fall and refuse to let it trap me indoors. Swimsuits are another must, though they take up substantially less space. (Hmm, does that mean I need sandals, too?)

My packing mantra so far is "What I forget, I can always buy there." It's not like we're traveling to the moon. There will be a plethora of stores and lots of time to track forgotten/needed things down.

Lastly, we've bought a few travel space bags -- the kind you can roll all of the air out of, and supposedly save a boat-load of room. We figure these will come in handy for the more wintery wear that we'll need at the end of October.

It's all about strategy when it comes to packing, right?

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