Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flea Market All Morning, Football All Night

The sun finally made an appearance today so we ventured out early this morning to a large flea market out by the Tiergarten (the huge park here in Berlin). Called "junk" by Dave, it was fun to see all the stuff out on display, like rows and rows of antique door handles, sets of china, beer steins and just about anything else you could think of. In one booth of music, Dave found a section named "black music" -- and his eyes bugged out.

This was certainly an outing fraught with danger: Both Alice and Leah wanted to touch things and the close corners and flimsy tables made it a precarious walk. However, Mom came away with two new ladles for her collection.

Since it was on the way, we stopped at Potsdamer Platz and all had lunch together at the same Australian place. It was good! And child-friendly. And Mom got to see a remnant of The Wall on display and got her passport stamped with authentic DDR visitor credentials.

Once home, and rested, Dave and I made plans to return to the bar he found several weekends back to watch Sunday football. They had wifi available, as well, so the use of the internet after days without it was the icing on top. However, before heading out we played a long game of hide-and-seek with the kids. Alice won the award, her first and only attempt at hiding had us running around the apartment for several frantic minutes until she finally gave herself up -- she was well-hidden under Nana's bed. Stinker.

Miami vs. Green Bay is the game we watched at Belushi's -- just north of Alexander Platz. It's a 1pm game at home, but started at 8 here. Our fantasy football team is going to have a rough day.

We're less than 2 weeks until we head home.


  1. Hi Jess, you watched the Parker's, huh? Wonder where they're from!! :) HI to Mom!!!
    Miss ya'll!

  2. Thanks for the catch on the typo -- was blogging at a bar. ;)
